13 Essential Products to Help You Thrive Remotely
The world has turned upside down. Having to quarantine and work from home has been a challenge for me. The first two weeks were the hardest because I loved my old routine. I would wake up at 5am go to the gym, commute and crush my day at work. That all changed. However, I finally decided to build a new routine and to buy the things that would improve my time working remotely. Below are items I bought and recommend you buy to thrive at home. If you click a link and buy we get a percent of the purchase. We will use that money to fund the site and create more amazing courses and content. Enjoy.
- Lean Start Up – Now that we all have to lean our businesses down you should read this book to learn how to run a business this way. Lean Start Up is amazing.
- On Writing Well – On Writing Well is amazing. Now that you have more time on your hand you should learn how to write well. This is an essential life and business skill.
- Atomic Habits – Now is the time to build amazing new habits. Atomic Habits is a must read for habit development.
- Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World – Rand Fishkin’s amazing book is a must read. It has wonderful stories based on what he learned founding and growing his first software company called Moz.
Office Desk Setup
Now that you are working remotely you really need to setup your home office. This is important so you stay productive and don’t ruin your back being hunched over. My wife is a Physical Therapist in NYC and she gave me a setup that stopped my back pain. She had me buy the first two items below and once I started using it my back pain disappeared. Set them up together and you can thank me later. I added the HD camera and Mic because I love them.
- Computer Stand – Get this computer stand. This will put your laptop at the right height.
- Keyboard and Mouse – Buy this keyboard and mouse combo from Logitech.
- HD Web Camera – Get this Logitech HD web camera. It is what I use to film all of my online courses.
- Mic – Buy this Yeti microphone. You don’t really need this one but I use it to have crystal clear audio.
Being stuck at home is very much like being stuck in hotel rooms when I use to travel. I gave AdAge some tips on what tools made it easy for me to get a work out in inside my hotel room. Now that I’m working from home these tools are keeping me fit. The only thing I added to this list is the weight vest which is extremely versatile.
- Evil Wheel – I love the ab wheel. I call it the evil wheel because it is very effective at destroying your core and leaving me sore.
- Jump Rope – Jumping rope is one of the best exercise you can do. You should buy this speed rope. It is good for double unders and regular jumping. If you really want a challenge i’m in love with this heavy rope. Using the heavy rope is a serious work out.
- Weight Vest – Having a weight vest will change your home work outs for ever. First when you wear them they make everything harder. Second I use mine to do kettle bell swings, curls, and other exercises. This saves me from having to buy dumbbells or kettlebells. I have a 50lb weight vest and a 25lb weight vest. You really don’t need a 50lb weight vest. The 20lb vest below is perfect. The Box series is the best. I do burpess, hand stand push ups, run and the vest stays put.
Keeping Your Sanity
- Coloring Books – My wife and I have been coloring while we are quarantined. Coloring is so therapeutic and fun. Our favorite coloring books are below.
Fucking Adorable – Cute Critters with foul Mouths
Calm the F*ck Down: An Irreverent Adult Coloring Book (Irreverent Book Series)
- Business Plan and Pitch Template – If you ever wanted to start your own business now is the time to work on that business plan. Guy Kawasaki famously said that all you need to pitch a new business is ten slides. He is absolutely right. We created this business plan and pitch template with his words of wisdom in mind. Buy it today and use it to put your business idea on paper.
That’s all folks. Use these products to improve your remote working experience. Remember that if you click on a link and buy something we get a percent of the sale. This helps us continue to produce amazing content and courses for you.