Grow Google First Page Rankings & Revenue

Brands rely on us to grow first page search engine rankings, website traffic & revenue.

Growth Skills, helping businesses with entrepreneurship, development, and achievement
Rand Fishkin – CEO, Co-Founder, SparkToro – Video Testimonial

Growth in first Page Rankings Guaranteed!

Watch these videos to see how Growth Skills Made them Rank.

Growth in first Page Rankings Guaranteed!

Watch our Case Study videos to see client results.

Did you know that
92% of research
for a product or service starts with a search?

That’s why search engines are an inevitable step on the consumers’ path to purchase. But most brands get this wrong and miss out on organic awareness, website traffic, and new customers.

Brands that invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have been extremely successful in acquisition overall.

We know, the guarantee sounds crazy

How We Improve First Page Rankings on Google

We know our guarantee sounds to good to be true and most SEO agencies won’t guarantee anything, especially not increased rankings on the first page of Google. We get it, you can’t control Google’s Algorithm. However, we have a different mindset and approach.

Here is how we have helped clients like:

  • BetterVet gain 3,600 ranking on the first page of Google leading to a 197% increase in Mobile Veterinarian appointment bookings
  • Bluevine get a 303% increase in keywords ranking on the first page of Google resulting in 12% increase in website conversions
Step 1: Identify Keywords on the Second Page of Google

First, we identify important pages that are ranking for non-brand keywords that are on the second page of Google and Bing. Usually these keywords have the ability to drive a lot of website traffic and revenue because they are related to your products and services. Focusing on getting them from page two to page one gets us quick wins as we work to rank for other keywords.

Step 2: Optimizations

Second, we start to optimize the pages or articles that are ranking well for important keywords on the second page of Google. We use the opportunities from our SEO Audit to improve their ability to rank. We use Artificial Intelligence (AI) as outlined below to ensure you have the best chance of ranking on the first page. This removes guess work and leverages AI in a very powerful way.

Step 3: Authority Building

Then, we start building backlinks to your website’s home page and the pages / articles that are ranking for keywords on the second page of Google. We build links for the exact keywords that we are looking to push from page two to page one. This builds Domain Authority for those page and helps them move up in rankings. We start building links right away since link building takes time.

How we use AI to improve first page rankings

We use a blend of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Surfer and other tools to identify who is ranking for your target keywords and exactly what we need to do to out rank them. We score your content and identity the following from the brands who are currently ranking in the top three positions on Google for your target keyword.

  • How many words the top pages have
  • What kind of words and how many times they are used on the page
  • The page structure including header tags
  • How many images are in the page
  • And more

We compare this with your content to see what gaps need to be filled in order to make it to the top three positions on the first page of Google. This makes our Optimization process incredibly effective. See example scoring and how the AI software works.


This award-winning process delivers results.

landy award winner

Our award-winning methodology focuses on four areas to drive SEO performance.


Technical elements on the website that can be fixed to improve performance. This includes meta data, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, structured data and more.


We assess the content on the website like page copy, images, videos and more. This helps us find opportunities to improve performance.


This focuses on social media and backlinks. We assess your links and socia media engagement to find areas to improve performance.


Our goal is to get you leads and make you money, not just get you traffic. We focus on ways to increase your websites conversion rate so you can turn traffic into revenue.

We use SEO to help improve ADA Compliance

One of our true differentiators is that we use Search Engine Optimization to increase both visibility and accessibility. 

  • Visibility: Increases search engine rankings for websites, videos, images, apps, etc. This lets people find your content, products and services.
  • Web accessibility: Increases the access to (websites, videos, images, apps, etc.) in screen readers that function much like search engines. This helps people with disabilities like blindess be able to access your website.
Our SEO process also helps protect our clients from ADA compliance lawsuits which have increased 300% since 2018.
SEO & ADA Compliance Guide-01
Growth Skills, helping businesses with development, advancement, and efficiency

We are partners and run SEO projects using their software for complete project visibility

Contact us today to grow first page ranking & revenue.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We know, for years SEO agencies refuse to guarantee anything. We are different. We have a proven process we use on our clients and our own brands that we build.

First, we target keywords in position 5-20 and push them up. We reinforce the most important ones with backlinks to the pages. We use Artificial Intelligences to remove any guess work and see who is ranking number one and update your pages to beat theirs.

Our team will implement as much as we can on your website if your website allows it.

Yes, keyword rankings go up and down. However, we will keep pushing first page rankings as we get new keywords to rank and push those up as well.

We also make sure to help you turn the organic traffic from the keyword rankings into leads or sales. This way you are converting people regardless of the ranking fluctuations.

Great questions. Studies show that there will be big declines in organic website traffic from Google due to SGE pushing organic rankings lower and less people clicking to website. This will be worse if you don’t really focus on ranking on the first pages and in the number one spot.

Mediocre rankings will not be good enough, so you need a SEO & Content team that has a process and goal of ranking in the top positions on the first page of Google.

Yes, we target keywords you don’t rank for but need to and ones you care about. We start with the ones closer to the first page because they are quick wins and lower hanging fruit.

Nope, times are tough so budgets are tight. We understand the need for contract flexibility. We do ask for at least three months to allow the process to work since that’s just how SEO works.