Prosper: Site Traffic & Loan Leads

Growth Skills, helping businesses with success, business growth, and opportunity

The Challenge

Prosper needed help ranking on search engine like Google for highly competitive loan related terms. However their website and blog was not optimized to be visible on search engines.

The Solution

Growth Skills did an SEO Audit to find opportunities. Then worked with Prosper’s tech and marketing team to help implement the recommendations. Growth Skill also took over the blog and researched, wrote and optimized 40+ articles in two months turning the blog into a traffic machine.

The Results


Increased Website Traffic


Increase Keyword Rankings


Increase Loan Sign-ups

The Client

Growth Skills has helped us increase brand awareness, site traffic and loan sign ups by using SEO and content to get us to rank for difficult keywords. They function as part of our team by writing the content on our blog and being hands on with the team. I highly recommend Lavall and his team if you are looking to increase brand awareness, leads and revenue."
Daniel Kastalsky
Daniel Kastalsky
Head of Digital & Customer Retention, Prosper Marketplace